Which one do you like?


Two for the price of one today! First we begin with the PG-Rated “Organized Swine” so as not to offend anyone, but personally I prefer the edgier, “Guinea Pigs”. Either way, I love my Italian American friends and mean no disrespect at all! Just a play on words. Which one do you prefer?


Happy (almost) Easter!


I love classic hair bands, or in this case hare bands. Van Halen is one of my favorites and I would venture to guess that Van Haren would be the Easter Bunny’s! What’s yours?

Have a happy holiday everyone!
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Six more days!

AccountingSheepSheeeshI for one do not welcome tax day. It feels like the guy that beat me up and stole my wallet earlier in the year decided I didn’t have enough money on me so he’s stopping by the house for some more. And he calls it legit. Eh, what can you do!

Thanks for stopping by the blog!


More limber than the average bear

YogiSheeeshI’ve been thinking about taking up Yoga to become a bit more limber ’cause let’s face it, I ain’t getting any younger! So, while doing a little research on it, (that is to say checking to see if using a home video where no one else can see my lack of coordination is Ok, as opposed to taking a live class where I’d be exposed …) and the term “Experienced Yogi” came up a lot. Naturally this is what I pictured, and thus this week’s Sheeesh! Sure, I could have made it Yoga Bear, but Experienced Yogi was what was stuck in my head. So there you have it.

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