
SowSheeeshHappy Halloween week! I saved my favorite Horror Sheeesh! for last this year. It’s pretty gruesome I know, so hopefully it doesn’t turn too many people off… Anyway, I hope you’ve enjoyed Horror Sheeesh! Month 2013! Happy hauntings…



Ewe have been warned!



It’s hard to believe we’re on week 4 of horror sheeesh! month already! Surprisingly I never saw the original “Omen”. Why? Because my mother took me to see “Damien Omen II” in the movies when I was 10 and since then I’ve had an irrational fear of frozen lakes, train stations, ravens and tractor trailers. What scars could the original leave? Ha ha.

Anyway, enjoy!

Horror Sheeesh! Month Begins!

FrankensteerSheeeshWelcome to Horror Sheeesh! Month! 2013 which will feature all horror movie poster cartoons! What could be better?! I’ll tell you, all barnyard theme horror movie poster cartoons! I really couldn’t wait for October. In fact, I’m having so much fun with it I’m thinking of doing an all Horror Movie Sheeesh! 2014 calendar… Thoughts?

Anyway, as Mary Shelley once said, “It’s a perfect (month) for mystery and horror. The air itself is filled with monsters!” I hope you agree and will not only come back for more, but comment on and share what you see if you like it, especially on Facebook!
