Well that certainly makes sense…


This one really quacks me up (sorry). But seriously, for some reason when I look at it, this one just makes me laugh. This week the Sheeesh! had to be about geese because Luke and I, along with Aunt Cathy and Uncle John, went on a wild goose hunt over the weekend to find a rare, to these parts, Pink-footed goose. Happy to report that the goose was right where the eBird alert (yes, there is such a thing) said he would be among a flock of about 200 Canada geese. So we heard a lot of “Ehs” to say the least!

Anyway, thanks for stopping by!

What a bunch of neo maxi zoom dweebies!

Breakfastclubsheeesh2This cartoon started out very different—breakfast goodies hanging out in the library of Shermer High sitting through detention. It was kind of weak. I think this is much better. Ya gotta love the faces on the ladies! Anyway, I have a solid draft of the other one if anyone is interested — email me OR leave a comment!

Thanks for stopping by!

Happy Almost President’s Day!


This Sheeesh! is all about Luke. Around Christmas he said to me, “Mom, you really need to do an AbraHAM Lincoln Sheeesh!” and since then he’s been asking me every week when I was going to get to it. So, I promised I would do it for the week before President’s Day and last night, on the very day that would have been Honest Abe’s 204th birthday, we drew this one together. He wouldn’t approve it without the hat…

Enjoy the long weekend everybody!

It’s Fashion Week in NYC!

ExecutionStyleSheeeshI like to call this The Albert Pierrepoint Line and I think it’s safe to say that he believes this fall hoods are going to be all the rage.

Anyway! I hope you like the new blog style and the new eNewsletter format that brought you here. I’d love to hear your comments below!

Happy Fashion Week!

