The Ultimate Fantasy League

Even though the playoff season is a little boring for me without my Giants playing, I’m going to miss football after this week so I figured I should make a football season finale cartoon. While I love the game I’ve never quite grasped the concept of fantasy football leagues, this is what always comes to mind for me. Strange, yes, but I guess that’s what makes a Sheeesh! Go Gandalf, MVP!

Anyway, thanks for visiting the blog!
Happy Wednesday,

Germs, germs, go away

We are doing everything in our power over here to avoid this horrible flu that has taken the nation by storm. Knock wood, so far so good in this house. Been going through a lot of Lysol, hand sanitizer and avoiding most people, places and things. It’s a very antisocial atmosphere!

Anyway, if you’re down with it, feel better soon. If you’re healthy, stay that way!

Take care everyone and thanks for stopping by…

That stuff is scary

I have to say that Deviled Ham from a can is a scary concept. I often wondered why the Underwood (or was it Underworld? No, I don’t think so) brand came wrapped in paper. Tuna cans aren’t wrapped in paper. Anyway, like I said, scary stuff. I probably could have saved this one for Horror Sheeesh! month in October but oh well.

Happy Wednesday!

Look, it’s Congress

Between all the Rocky music and movies that have been playing in the house recently and the Fiscal Cliff fighting going on, I just couldn’t get this cartoon out of my head. SlugZ looks to be taking a beating. Anyway, I hope everyone has a healthy, happy and prosperous 2013!


Thyme is Flying!

It’s hard to believe the holiday season is almost over but like the silly header says, thyme is flying! I hope every fan of Sheeesh! got everything they wanted this holiday season! Looking forward to another year of cartoons!

Have a safe and healthy, Happy New Year everyone!


6 Days til Christmas!

Merry Christmas everyone! It’s hard to believe that this is the last Sheeesh! before Christmas and the year is almost over! Time is flying by like a lobster in a santa suit being whisked away by flying fish. Sheeesh!

Have a wonderful, safe and healthy holiday season everyone!

Merry Christmas,


I can’t take total credit for this one. Paulette called me one day and said I have a great Sheeesh! idea for you, “Doggie Style” … I hung up without saying a word and at this time simply hope that I’ve created the vision she had in mind!

If anyone’s interested in the Sheeesh! Laughingstock Calendar (all livestock cartoons) let me know in the comments or email me and I’ll let you know when it’s up for sale. Hopefully it’ll be up later today!

Happy holiday shopping everyone!
Thanks for stopping by,


So last Sunday night on my favorite show, Dexter shows up at Hannah’s place, after telling her that they shouldn’t see each other again, to tell her that he won’t be around for awhile and Hannah asks, “is this your idea of a booty call?” and Dexter says, “what’s a booty call?” Well she explained it differently but this Sheeesh! here, this is what I thought of…

Happy Wednesday!