Happy Easter!

PeepshowSheeeshThis is my favorite Easter Sheeesh! and my favorite Easter food. Who needs ham, roasts or turkey? Gimme a nice pack of Peeps, preferably with a small cut in the package to advance staleness, and I’m all set. Which do you prefer, soft, fresh and chewy Peeps or slightly stale? Leave a reply, this says a lot about you!

If you’re a long time blog follower and saw this one back in 2007, sorry! But thanks for following so long!

Happy Easter all,

Well there it goes…


So who hasn’t had days like that! When one’s last nerve was on the way out? You know, there are so many “nerve” sayings that could have found a way here to Sheeesh! Like, My Nerves are Shot. And, Something is Grinding on My Nerves. You’re a Bundle of Nerves. You’ve Got a Lot of Nerve. Anyway, I could go on but this one just seemed to fit my mood yesterday!

This one’s for you Linds!

Oh, Good Evening!

HitchCockKsheeeshAlfred Hitchcock Presents

Hello Friends, and thank you for allowing me to come into your living rooms, offices, conference rooms, automobiles, or wherever it is you might be reading this blog today! This misty bit of an amorphous blob on your screen is one Alfred HitchCOCK.

Younger folk probably will not get this cartoon, but that’s Ok. If you do get it, I hope you enjoyed it!

Thanks for stopping by the Blog!
