Last pickins!

I always felt bad for that last kid that no one wanted! Luckily growing up that was never me, at least not that I know of …  I admit this cartoon is a bit of a stretch, but Thanksgiving is turkeys and football is it not? Anyway, I for one am thankful for turkeys and football.

Happy Thanksgiving!

This guy must be from Denver!

Denver or Seattle. So the first state’s have legalized recreational use of marijuana! I guess the finale of Weeds wasn’t so far off from the truth. If you didn’t watch it, it takes place several years in the future and Nancy and Silas are millionaires because they were in on the branding of legalized marijuana from, well, before it was legalized. Ahhh but anyway if you must light up try not to start any forest fires out there people!

Happy Wednesday!

Tiny arms!

Poor T-Rex! Anyway, I have nothing political to say about this election — Sheeesh! is neutral and 2012 went as I think most people expected. One thing I do hope for before 2016 is that there be real efforts to do away with the electoral college and the next president will simply be the guy or gal who gets the most votes. Period. Anyway, that’s my 2¢! If you’ve got 2¢ leave me a comment!

Happy Wednesday!

That about sums it up

It was a challenge to think of something funny to post this Halloween due to the devastating effects of Hurricane Sandy here in New Jersey, but then this idea came to mind and pretty much summed it up for the powerless, cable-less, internet-less days since the storm.

Here’s to hoping the power comes back on before the gas stations run out of gas to fill our generators! Hope everyone is safe!

Happy Halloween!

PS. Halloween is officially rescheduled (by executive order) for November 5th here in NJ.

La-la La-la Elmo’s Street…

We all knew that Jamie Lee Curtis and Johnny Depp started their incredible acting careers off in classic horror flicks but who knew about Elmo?! I love this Horror Movie Sheeesh! and if you do too, please leave me a comment about it or share it on your Facebook page or go to mine and like it on there!

I hope you’re enjoying Horror Sheeesh! month like I am! One more week to go. We get five this year which is a lucky thing isn’t it?

Have a GREAT Wednesday!

Nothing beats a warm (98.6º) bath!

This is probably not how most people picture a bloodbath but it is the way I do leading up to and during Horror Sheeesh! month. Anyway, I hope you are enjoying The Horrors. If you are please leave me a comment so I know you’re still there! I’ve made it reaaaaally easy now, see the giant Post a Comment box??? Go for it!

Thanks for stopping by!

PS. A, A, and D I hope this meets your expectations :)

Ghouls Gone Wild

Don’t you love Horror Sheeesh! Month? Tell me about it! You guys have stopped commenting since I had to move to this new format. It’s so easy to comment! Just click on the “Post a comment” link and it’s that easy! You don’t have to sign in or leave your real name. Your identity will be safe if you admit you’ve seen these ghouls before…

Happy Horrors!

I need some exorcise myself…

Well it’s that time of the year, Horror Sheeesh! Month! Yay! I have to say I’ve been waiting a long time to do this cartoon and the demons were a lot harder to draw than I thought they’d be. My original vision had demons jumping rope in the background but it just couldn’t be done! Anyway, I like it, they’re kinda cute, for demons.



Sometimes when I’m flying blind I feel like this might be the end result. Luckily it’s never happened. I’m sure every Sheeesh! reader has felt this way before at some time or another. Anyway, did you know that the saying Flying Blind dates back to World War II to the pilots who could not see the horizon as they were en route? That’s the interesting fact for the day…

Make sure to visit the blog next week for the Horror Sheeesh! Month kickoff!!!

Happy Wednesday,

That is lame

Poor Duck! I can’t believe his friends won’t wait for him. I have to say that this cartoon had the potential to be rather politically incorrect if I drew it the way Cousin Gregg envisioned. You can use your imagination. Anyway, I think I will draw it the way he wanted to see it too, so if you’re interested in that version email me and I will send it to you when it’s done, I just can’t put it on the blog!

Anyway, as you can see from the background in the image Fall is here! Enjoy!

Thanks for stopping by the blog!

PS. Yes, that is a hockey helmet … the one part of CGs request that made it to paper!