Happy Wednesday!

LastStrawSheeeshSorry if you’ve seen this guy before (especially you, Pam, since I know it’s a repeat for you) but Wednesday is here and I’m simply not prepared! I don’t think The Straw Guy has been on the newest version of the blog or Facebook so I’m hoping it’s new to most of you!

Happy Weds!


Happy New Year!

BeefStewedSheeeshWishing you all a new year filled with health and happiness! I also hope no one got stewed like these cows last night. I bet they feel crummy today.

Thanks for stopping by week after week!




One More Week!

HoppyHolidaysSheeeshOne more week left to shop for the big day! Time to head out now for some stocking stuffers. Luke being off all next week puts a crimp in my ordinary procrastination to the last possible day. Oh well!

Happy shopping!



StinkBombsSheeeshI can’t believe it’s December already! I thought this cartoon was appropriate as I found all the Cyber Monday and Black Friday deals were stinkeroo!

Thanks for stopping by!


Fowl interrogations

GrilledChickenSheeeshAnything but the plucker. For barnyard interrogations I think the plucker is worse than water boarding or even sleep deprivation. But, obviously the pounding did not make him cave…

Happy Wednesday!